Sunday, 25 April 2010

Crazy Clown

Something happened on the way to the circus. The normally happy clown ran into the taxman and you can see the result. It wasn't the taxes he owed, but how much interest he had to pay for his investment in a "pie in the sky" company. :)

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Wesołych Świąt/ Happy Easter

Cudownych, rodzinnych Świąt Wielkanocnych życzymy wszystkim odwiedzającym nasz blog!
P.S. Owieczka oczywiście ręcznie robiona, tym razem autorstwa Ani :) Więcej zdjęć wkrótce..

Happy Easter to everyone who visits our blog!
P.S. Easter sheep was obviously hand - made, this time by Ania:) More pictures to follow soon.